April 6, 2023

Investing in Roboto: copilot for robotics data

John Vrionis
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Investing in Roboto: copilot for robotics dataInvesting in Roboto: copilot for robotics data
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Editor's note: 

We are thrilled to announce our seed investment in Roboto AI – the modern platform for robotics data. We led this $4.8M round alongside a number of exceptional investors including the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) and FUSE Ventures.

Modern robotics is evolving at an incredible rate, allowing advanced robots to operate in increasingly complex and unstructured environments. These developments rely on the rapid progress in machine learning, which has enabled the intelligent navigation of unseen environments. To develop these technologies, teams have had to solve increasingly complex data processing problems – robots produce huge amounts of multimodal sensor data (images, IMU data, lidar point clouds). Currently, robotics organizations are often forced to dedicate entire teams to build undifferentiated infrastructure just to manage data.

Roboto is poised to revolutionize the world of robotics by providing a cutting-edge analytics platform that simplifies the process of working with and processing this complex data. Roboto provides a number of critical tools to help teams ingest, transform, and analyze multimodal data. The Roboto platform uses the latest advancements in machine learning to make it easy to search through large datasets. With these advanced tools, it becomes easy to ask critical questions like “how many times has our robot struggled to pick up rectangular packages” or “find all of the images where we saw a stop sign in the snow”. This type of advanced analysis has been out of reach for most robotics companies until now.

Solving these problems is no small task – the volume of data produced by sensors dwarfs the amount of data produced by an average application. Annotating these massive datasets requires efficiently orchestrating numerous machine learning algorithms, and wrangling huge, multimodal sensor data requires a mastery of distributed systems. We believe that the team at Roboto is uniquely qualified to solve these challenges and bring the most sophisticated data processing capabilities to every robotics company.

Benji and Yves are incredible founders and leaders – if you have the luxury of meeting them, you’ll find they are passionate, personable, and wicked smart. They met while working at Amazon Prime Air, where they built sophisticated drone systems and experienced the challenges of working with robotics data first-hand. Their background and expertise in the field gives them a unique perspective on the needs of the robotics industry.

That world class team has come along at just the right moment. As machine learning (and in particular, advances in reasoning with LLMs like PaLM-E) continues to exponentially improve, we believe that robots will be able to operate in increasingly complex and unstructured environments. Roboto has an incredible opportunity to become a critical piece of infrastructure underpinning these advancements and enabling the next generation of intelligent robotics.

Unusual Ventures is incredibly excited to join Benji, Yves, and the entire Roboto team on this journey. We are confident that their innovative data platform will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of robotics, and we look forward to supporting their growth and success.

If you want to help build the future of robotics data, the team at Roboto is hiring – check out open roles, and don’t hesitate to reach out!

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April 6, 2023

Investing in Roboto: copilot for robotics data

John Vrionis
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Investing in Roboto: copilot for robotics dataInvesting in Roboto: copilot for robotics data
Editor's note: 

We are thrilled to announce our seed investment in Roboto AI – the modern platform for robotics data. We led this $4.8M round alongside a number of exceptional investors including the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) and FUSE Ventures.

Modern robotics is evolving at an incredible rate, allowing advanced robots to operate in increasingly complex and unstructured environments. These developments rely on the rapid progress in machine learning, which has enabled the intelligent navigation of unseen environments. To develop these technologies, teams have had to solve increasingly complex data processing problems – robots produce huge amounts of multimodal sensor data (images, IMU data, lidar point clouds). Currently, robotics organizations are often forced to dedicate entire teams to build undifferentiated infrastructure just to manage data.

Roboto is poised to revolutionize the world of robotics by providing a cutting-edge analytics platform that simplifies the process of working with and processing this complex data. Roboto provides a number of critical tools to help teams ingest, transform, and analyze multimodal data. The Roboto platform uses the latest advancements in machine learning to make it easy to search through large datasets. With these advanced tools, it becomes easy to ask critical questions like “how many times has our robot struggled to pick up rectangular packages” or “find all of the images where we saw a stop sign in the snow”. This type of advanced analysis has been out of reach for most robotics companies until now.

Solving these problems is no small task – the volume of data produced by sensors dwarfs the amount of data produced by an average application. Annotating these massive datasets requires efficiently orchestrating numerous machine learning algorithms, and wrangling huge, multimodal sensor data requires a mastery of distributed systems. We believe that the team at Roboto is uniquely qualified to solve these challenges and bring the most sophisticated data processing capabilities to every robotics company.

Benji and Yves are incredible founders and leaders – if you have the luxury of meeting them, you’ll find they are passionate, personable, and wicked smart. They met while working at Amazon Prime Air, where they built sophisticated drone systems and experienced the challenges of working with robotics data first-hand. Their background and expertise in the field gives them a unique perspective on the needs of the robotics industry.

That world class team has come along at just the right moment. As machine learning (and in particular, advances in reasoning with LLMs like PaLM-E) continues to exponentially improve, we believe that robots will be able to operate in increasingly complex and unstructured environments. Roboto has an incredible opportunity to become a critical piece of infrastructure underpinning these advancements and enabling the next generation of intelligent robotics.

Unusual Ventures is incredibly excited to join Benji, Yves, and the entire Roboto team on this journey. We are confident that their innovative data platform will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of robotics, and we look forward to supporting their growth and success.

If you want to help build the future of robotics data, the team at Roboto is hiring – check out open roles, and don’t hesitate to reach out!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.